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2023-06-24 来源:环球云链 浏览5565次

Your Excellencies;

Distinguished guest;

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Allow me to tender an apology on behalf of H.E. Balumuene, Ambassador of DRC(The Democratic Republic of the Congo) and SADC’s Chair; who could not join us today due to his schedule of official engagements.

The purpose of this festive event is to foster friendships, exchange experiences and promote the spirit of togetherness among the SADC family in Beijing.

SADC as a collective and as one of the regional blocs in Africa, continues to play a very important role in global economics, politics, arts and culture. SADC as a bloc also boasts worldly renowned conservation efforts that continue to bring visitors to our doorsteps to witness the most beautiful and diverse peoples, landscapes, vegetation, flora and fauna.

Your Excellencies;

Distinguished guest;

Ladies and Gentlemen;

A family is the most important foundation from which we are able to mould and nurture ideas, ethos, humanness, talents, ideologies, and other virtues that promote harmonious living.

Today we are called upon by the founding leaders of our bloc to revive the spirit and consciousness of Ujamaa as we work towards the integration of the African continent.

SADC has demonstrated familial relations and strong bonds, from time immemorial; through the dark days of our respective struggles against humiliation and imperialism, and the fight for the independence of our respective countries.

There is an African proverb which says: “many hands can lift a weight, however heavy”

Your Excellencies;

Distinguished guest;

Ladies and Gentlemen;

It is the unity of our sweat, the work of our hands and minds striving together which enables us to achieve great and remarkable feats.

In the spirit of Ubuntu, I wish to extend my gratitude to all the SADC countries in Beijing, for your cooperation to ensure that our event is a success; and our pround gratitude goes to the SADC Women’s Association in Beijing for their tireless effort to make this day possible, and to all present… thank you for gracing this function.

Danko!  Muito Obrigado! Asante Sana!  Zikomo kwambiri!  Xie Xie!

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